Building Solid Apps which use Public Data
One of the early Solid Apps which both looked nice and was definitely useful was Noel de Martin's Media Kraken. Media Kraken allows you to track the movies you have watched or would like to watch. It does this by making a simple database in the user's pod, and tying that data to the Internet Movie Data Base, IMDB. To add another movie to you collection, you smart typing, and it pulls in from IMDB candidate movies which match what you are typing, as you the the name of a movie. When have selected one, then it is represented by IMDB's miniature picture of the DVD cover. It is neat for the base functionality it gives, but also for how in the future is we all share our media collections, then we can easily see when you and I have watched the same thing as it will be captured by the same IMDB uri.

Stepping back, this is a great example of how a user's world is make up of data from across what the ODI calls the Data Spectrum. Some of it is public, like the properties of movies, some of it is shared, like playlists and photos, and some of it is private, like passwords.
Meanwhile, I've been thinking about the public part of of a solid user's profile, and felt it would be great to put in some details of what one has been up to in one's life as well as the bare contact details it has (as of 2020-12 anyway). Adding this resumée information involves mainly capturing the various projects, companies and organizations one has been involved in, as student, volunteer, employee, and on. And just as with the movies I am tracking, it is useful to tie these organizations into public data. For several reasons in fact
- To provide a list of names to pick from, saving the user time;
- To provide interesting data like pictures and location about the thing selected;
- To discover, like which friends has been involved with the same organizations;
- In the long term, data analysis of things like trends in, say, gender rights becomes much more powerful when you have a public web of solid profiles
Data sources and ontologies: Organization
There was a couple of public databases which came to mind, dbpedia and WikiData. They each have sparql endpoints which seemed to work. Wikidata has a really nice playground where you can tweak your sparql query and test it instantly. Meanwhile as Solid policy is to use terms whenever possible, I looked to the class structure of these organizations. I'm using the term 'organization' as a generic one to include companies, universities, projects and so on, partly because that matches both with's Organization
, and also Wikidata's Organization which it gives a number to rather than a name. Unfortunately wikidata, the main source of public data, and, the main source of terms people will be interoperable with, don't completely agree on the structure of subclasses of organization. Schema says more specific classes include "Airline, Consortium, Corporation, EducationalOrganization, FundingScheme, GovernmentOrganization, LibrarySystem, LocalBusiness, MedicalOrganization, NGO, NewsMediaOrganization, PerformingGroup, Project, SportsOrganization, and WorkersUnion" including lots of things but not Non-Profit. I made a sketch of a little part of the wikidata classes.
From the UX point of view its nice to give the user a choice of mutually distinct classes even when life maybe more complex. So the colored ones seems to be fairly easy to understand and so seemed to partition the space fairly cleanly.
I made an executive decision that for now we would assume for now:
solid:InterestingOrganization owl:disjointUnionOf( schema:Corporation schema:EducationalOrganization schema:GovernmentOrganization schema:MedicalOrganization schema:MusicGroup schema:NGO schema:PerformingGroup schema:SportsOrganization ) .
In other words be prepared to mint a solid-specific concept of Organization which would involve just those 7 subclasses.
That allows us to make a form field like
:OrgClassifier a ui:Classifier; ui:label "What sort of organization?"@en; ui:category solid:InterestingOrganization .
which looks something like this:

Data sources and ontologies: Occupation
What about the connections between people and organizations? Schema's Role class looks interesting, though apparently to be used in a strange way, with incoming and outgoing arcs both "athlete" which is weak. What existing work is there out there? A quick search reveals Uldis Bojar's 2007 ResumeeRDF and of course the LinkedIn API. The latter mentions some enumeration types, like:
- experience (list, optional) – A list of experience levels, one or many of “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5” and “6” (internship, entry level, associate, mid-senior level, director and executive, respectively)
- job_type (list, optional) – A list of job types , one or many of “F”, “C”, “P”, “T”, “I”, “V”, “O” (full-time, contract, part-time, temporary, internship, volunteer and “other”, respectively))
Clearly, as LI is very much the dominant player in the CV space, being able to interoperate with them would be valuable. We imagine that they have their own carefully curated databases of schools, companies, job types, which is not public and they may regard as the crown jewels not to be shared. In an ideal future world one would be able to sync both ways between one solid CV and linked in - and their competitors. So a deeper investigation of the LinkedIn API would be a good idea.
A CV entry is basically a relationship between people and organizations. The address book vcard gives people, augmented/grounded using their webids, and organizations, augmented/grounded by their public IDs. The start and end date there are a few contenders (iCal events, ResumeeRDF) but as schema has that, let's use that. The solid world is like a bag of chips -- many different languages. If a vocabulary you like or are using already you are using has a term, then use it. Don't try to get everything into the same ontology.
Now the remaining thing we need to model is the relationship between the two: the job, the exact role. The ultimate find here would by an up-to-date list of occupations translated into many languages. Then I could fill in my CV in english and you could set your browser to Arabic and read my CV in Arabic.
Wikipedia quotes the UK ONS as listing 27,966 job titles. (Check it out
- no Quarterback but Quartermaster and Putter-on (glue) and putter-together (scissors)). Clearly a great resource but UK-culture-specific. Does the ILO have something more general? Yup - about labour surveys, pointers to ICLS whose 1992 report mentions "Some 30 countries have already either established, or are
in the process of creating, a national standard classification of occupations
similar to ISC0-88." The latter has a spreadsheet with 500 posts in 10 categories in English, French and German. There is ESCO, which is the EU equivalent, ISCO-compatible, more recent and notes "ESCO does not adapt the ISCO occupation groups, but the Commission manages translations of ISCO labels in the official languages of the European Union." Not to mention "The full ESCO dataset can be downloaded in turtle format from the ESCO Service Portal" , "and each module is available in 26 European languages and in Arabic". (my emphasis). Restful API ... including search by name substring. Examples:
- Art Director in JSON.
- The URI of the object actually gives 500 error - so not strictly linked data
- /esco/api/search?language=en&type=occupation&text=softw - occupations including "softw"
A SPARQL endpoint would be nicer.. There is the EU Open Data Portal SPARQL service. Does it have ESCO?
Is this ESCO stuff available in fact in wikidata? There are 251 mentions of ESCO IDs in wikidata. Not typically in 27 languages. Can we use wikidata Profession? 126 subclasses, pretty mixed, and 105k transitive closure subclasses including things like Mayor of Halifax! So nothing like as clean, international, or complete. The ESCO occupations seem to be the ones to pick.
Looking through the open HR and finding the JDX work on job opening exchange, that mentions, when talking about job classification "Industry code identifying the primary activity at the location of employment (e.g., NAICS in the U.S. and ESCO in the EU)" but NAICS seems to have codes for industry types, not job types.
Now we have to figure out the shape for the resumes entry itself, and its discovery. A discussion in gitter suggested that a CV should be a different resource from one's profile. Down the road, we may have a different CV shared within each community, but for now let's focus on a primary public one which everyone will be able to see with your profile.
The Linked In APIs for position, organization etc use linked-in defined URNs for things like language codes.
Adding to the SolidOS UX
Where to add this to SolidOS? The plan is to extend the contacts management in the Address Book to be much smarter about Organizations. Already we are in a good place in a way, in that we use the vCARD ontology for storing stuff about Individual, Organizations, and groups of them. So a new contact is either an Individual or an Organization already, and it looks as though we can treat vcard:Organization class as being just the same as the schema one and the wikidata one.
The plan is to make a user workflow in which when you add an organization to your contacts the handling of it much smarter, tying it to the public data where we can. Should we include project which are public Github, Gitlab, etc projects? Yes but later. Then add a resume form on the profile editor and a resumee rendering on the profile. How about an "Add this to my CV" button any time we are looking at an organization? Maybe.
Changing the Contacts data for an Organization.
This is now (2021-04-02) done. You can press on the search icon, and type in the name of the organization to auto-complete using Wikidata. When you find a public data instance of the organization in question, then some of that data is displayed under the new ID you have found. So the contacts display makes it very clear the provenance of data: what you have stored in your contacts and what is wikidata. You can (on a good day - subject to browser CORS etc) drag an image from the public data into your vcard to keep a link to it.
This is reasonable at this stage when we are editing, though, it may be more useful to merge all the information in to one view.
@@ screen shot
Deciding on the shape
There actually is a whole W3C standard ontology about Organizations. This includes relationships of different organizations, and different people with organizations. It also spends some time thinking about and helping with modeling problems, like moving between the simple triple that a person is an employee of a company to the fact that they had a given role during a given time. the org:Membership N-ary form does the latter, and is what we use. (See the diagram above). So an element in the CV data will look like
<#episode1> org:member <#me>; org:organization <#MIT>;
org:role: esco:SoftwareEngineer;
schema:startDate 2000-01-01^^xsd:date;
schema:endDate 2010-12-31^^xsd:date .
Ordered or unordered?
In fact in a CV there are a bunch of these. Should they be just all linked by org:member arcs to the person, leaving them as an unordered set, or should we allow the user to make the CV in their profile an order list. The writer may prefer to make the various phases in their life are presented to the reader in a specific order -- or should in fact the reader have the option of sorting them in any way? This was a hard one, and may be reversed later. If the list is ordered then it looks like:
( <#episode1> <#episode2> ) org:member <#me>.
which stretches the semantics of org:member
which is defined to have a org:Membership as its subject, not a Collection/List/Array thing.
<#me> org:isMemberOf ( <#episode1> <#episode2> ) .
If we don't have the ordered list, then when we display these, we can decide to order them --- first current positions by most recent start date at the top, and then former positions by most recent start date (or end date?). Theer may be smarts in the display collapsing life episodes with different roles at the same company together of course. "MIT: undergrad 200-2004, grad student 2004-2008". Extra points for "MIT: undergrad 200-2004, grad student 2007-present". Ok, lets go with unordered. Of course writers can also select the style of profile display they want, just as they can chose the colors of it. And readers in their preferences can say how they would like all CVs they read to be displayed. And the readers in the end must win. The writer are fundamentally publishing data, not documents, and for accessibility alone, but also the power of of re-use, readers have the last word.
The form
:involvementWithOrganizationsForm a ui:Multiple; ui:label "Involvement with Organization"; ui:property org:member; ui:reverse true; # link back from role to member ui:ordered false; # Allow user to order CV secions rather than force date order? No. ui:part :membershipForm. :membershipForm a ui:Group; ui:parts ( :orgField :roleNameField :orgField :startField :endField ). :startField a ui:DateField; ui:property schema:startDate; ui:label "Starting"@en, "Début"@fr. :endField a ui:DateField; ui:property schema:endDate; ui:label "Ending"@en, "Fin"@fr. :orgField a ui:Choice; ui:label "Organization"@en, "Organization"@fr; ui:canMintNew true; ui:from vcard:Organization; ui:property org:organization. :roleNameField a ui:SingleLineTextField; ui:property vcard:role; ui:size 60 .>
:roleNameField a ui:SingleLineTextField; ui:property vcard:role; ui:size 60 .hh
To a form then
Issues around this include:
- The ontology spec diagram shows inverse predicates hasMember and member . This is confusing, but turns out to be a bug fixed in the errata. So we use member.
Yet to be written up:
- Experiments with dbpedia
- generalizing, switching to wikidata,
- autocomplete driven from type/name query
- using sparql construct instead of get for public data
Yet to be done:
- Decide on the shape for a CV entry (diagram)
- Fix vcard for org to have again address etc as well as public data
- Changes to profile page and profile editor
- A nice pane for public data about an organization.
- "Add to CV" button on vcard
- Possibly, look at adding way to configure rdflib.js to automatically do the right sparql instead of looking up public data URIs, which doesn't really work.
To be continued
- Modified
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC 4.0
- Document Status
- Draft